What Services Do HOA Management Companies Provide in San Antonio, TX?

What Services Do HOA Management Companies Provide in San Antonio, TX?

Are you struggling to find reliable vendors in San Antonio for your community? Perhaps you find the latest housing laws too complex to follow. Without help, juggling your many responsibilities as an HOA board volunteer can take its toll.

Instead of doing it all alone, consider hiring an HOA management company. Their services can help you save money, avoid stress, and function better as a community.

Read on to learn more about typical HOA company responsibilities that can benefit your community!

Billings and Collections

To maintain a financially healthy community, you'll need to keep up-to-date with the community's billing and collections. Unfortunately, your friends and neighbors may not feel comfortable with board members handling the finances. An HOA manager can work as a neutral third party.

They'll ensure your billing is consistent and organized. They'll also apply an aggressive collections policy to avoid late fees.

If a resident pays late, your HOA manager can dispatch delinquency notices and keep the board informed of problematic accounts. They can also escalate delinquent accounts to collections.

Other accounting services include:

  • Managing bank accounts and ledgers
  • Preparing accounting reports
  • Distributing financial reports
  • Advising the board regarding the budget

Look for companies that use the latest HOA management software to automate these tasks.

An experienced HOA manager will coordinate with your HOA's collection attorney. They'll initiate legal action to collect overdue assessments.

They'll keep you informed regarding collections-related state laws. Abiding by these laws can help you avoid fines or lawsuits. You'll have peace of mind knowing your HOA manager is ensuring your community's financial health.

Vendor Management

Maintaining a beautiful, neat community can help you attract new homeowners. Your HOA manager can gather competitive bids from local vendors. They'll help you find the best contractors in San Antonio.

Your HOA manager will ensure common areas are well-maintained and accessible. They'll also field maintenance requests from homeowners.

Completing maintenance projects quickly can help you avoid more expensive projects.

Policy Enforcement

About 89% of homeowners in HOAs say their association's rules protect and enhance property values (68%). An HOA manager can fairly enforce community-enacted rules. Ensuring everyone follows these rules can help maintain your property values.

Your HOA manager can:

  • Record violations
  • Send violation notices to residents
  • Answer questions
  • Follow up with homeowners
  • Conduct on-site violation inspections

They'll ensure everyone remains compliant. Boosting the community's property values can help you attract new members.

Admin Duties

There are now over 73.9 million Americans living in homeowners associations, but how many residents in your HOA volunteer? Without work, projects and paperwork will stack up.

Your HOA manager can perform office duties. They'll respond to calls and emails to ensure transparency. Prompt communication can keep homeowners happy and informed.

Hire an HOA Management Company

You don't have to volunteer your own time to complete these tasks. Instead, hire an HOA management company this year. Leverage their experience and expertise to learn how to help your community grow.

PMI Brightstar has over 20 years of experience solving homeowners' association management issues. We're committed to enhancing your community living experience. Contact us today to discover how we can help your HOA thrive.
